Living Mustard

Bold and beautiful

There’s nothing else like this on the market today. We take Canadian-grown whole mustard seeds and sprout them in cool, clean Guelph water. Then we add organic raw apple cider vinegar, golden turmeric and purée to a smooth consistency.

A good way to think of this mustard compared to regular industrially-made shelf-stable mustard is to compare good cheddar with processed cheese slices. Two similar yet vastly different products.

Living mustard is great with anything that likes to have mustard on it, even French fries! And as always, made with 100% pure Himalayan pink salt.

  • Wild-fermented
  • Raw
  • Vegan
  • Gluten-free
  • Probiotic
  • Enzyme-rich

View/download the label which includes the ingredients and nutrition facts

Contact us

Reach out to us if you have questions or if you'd like to start carrying our fermented products at your retail location.

Phone: 519-826-0361

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